Helping Families and the Homeless
When you sign up for iGive, every purchase you make allows you to easily donate online to your charity of choice. With a network of over 350,000 iGive members and 1,700 of your favorite stores, joining iGive means joining a community committed to helping those less fortunate.
Are you passionate about helping families, children, veterans, and the homeless? iGive offers the perfect solution for incorporating charity into your everyday life. Once you sign up for iGive and choose your charity, a portion of every purchase you make goes directly to that organization. Helping the homeless and other charity groups like Catholic Charities, Save the Children, and Families Helping Families has never been so simple.
We all have a calling to help others in need. Donate online through iGive charity shopping, and you can fulfill that calling.
Donate Online to Your Homelessness or Family-Oriented Cause of Choice
- Catholic Charities
- Ronald McDonald House
- Habitat for Humanity
- Oxfam America
- Starlight Children’s Foundation
- National Alliance to End Homelessness
- Children International
- Salvation Army
- Purple Heart Foundation
Catholic CharitiesCatholic Charities is one of the most extensive charity organizations in the United States. With over 65,000 employees and almost 240,000 volunteers, Catholic Charities helps millions of people in need every single year. The 160 local Catholic Charities chapters help people no matter what their religious backgrounds may be. The organization is committed to helping families, children, the homeless, and anyone dealing with poverty. Food pantries, clothing, and other assistance are provided through this charity. You can donate online to Catholic Charities through iGive charity shopping today. |
Ronald McDonald HouseSince 1974, Ronald McDonald House Charities have provided extraordinary assistance to children and families. Because families shouldn’t have to suffer unnecessarily financial strain in addition to caring for their sick children, RMHC provides families with a free place to stay near their hospitalized children. There is a global network of Ronald McDonald House Charities, with chapters in 63 countries and regions. There are also RHMC mobile clinics, grants, scholarships, and more. With over 300,000 volunteers and staff members, the Ronald McDonald House is an expansive charity network dedicated to children and families. Through iGive charity shopping, you can donate online to Ronald McDonald House today. |
Over 6.8 million people have been helped by Habitat for Humanity since the nonprofit’s founding in 1976. Habitat for Humanity is a far-reaching organization that’s committed to providing shelter and assistance to the homeless, people living in slums, and families whose homes were destroyed due to war and natural disaster. A Christian nonprofit, Habitat for Humanity helps people of all backgrounds and religion and accepts volunteers of any background. With over 1,400 local affiliates and 70 national organizations worldwide, Habitat for Humanity is a powerful charitable association that has done a world of good for families. Why wait? Donate online to Habitat for Humanity through iGive charity shopping today. |
Oxfam AmericaOxfam America's #1 goal? A just world without poverty. There are 17 members of the international Oxfam confederation; Oxfam America is one part of a large organization dedicated to building real solutions to the issues of poverty, hunger, and social injustice. Instead of just providing resources to those in need, what sets Oxfam America apart is the organization’s method. Oxfam aims to get to the root of each of issues in addition to providing resources, educating people, and promoting anti-poverty and anti-injustice programs. Help Oxfam America achieve its vision by donating online through iGive charity shopping. |
UNICEFUNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Fund, is located in 190 areas around the world and is devoted to improving the quality of life of children. From fighting poverty, disease, violence, and discrimination, UNICEF works tirelessly to protect and promote the wellbeing of kids. UNICEF takes a “life-cycle based approach� to its work, meaning that the organizations acknowledges and focuses on the importance of early childhood development. The organization has a long history of caring for children; it was created in 1946 after World War II to help provide for European children in the aftermath of the war. Do your part and help UNICEF’s mission today. Donate online through iGive charity shopping. |
Starlight Children's FoundationStarlight Children’s Foundation is dedicated to improving the experiences of hospitalized children and their families. Founded in 1982, there are a collection of Starlight programs that enhance the quality of life for seriously ill children. Starlight Wish Lists is a website where people can purchase items to be donated for kids in hospitals. There are also Starlight Sites, which are bright, fun, and child-friendly environments in the hospital so that sick children can feel more comfortable and at ease. With 600 community partners in 11 countries, the Starlight Children’s Foundation helps millions of children and their families each and every year. If you’re interested in helping the Starlight cause, you can donate online through iGive charity shopping. |
National Alliance to End HomelessnessThe National Alliance to End Homelessness was created in 1987 after the National Citizens Committee for Food and Shelter realized that homelessness was a systemic issue. The Alliance takes more of a policy approach to researching the systematic causes of homelessness. With education and research, the National Alliance to End Homelessness has impacted both federal and local policies which in turn have helped decrease homelessness. In 2011, the National Alliance to End Homelessness joined forces with the UK, the EU, Australia, and Canada to form the International Alliance to End Homelessness. By donating to the Alliance, your contribution goes directly to the organization’s efforts to prevent and end homelessness. By shopping with iGive, you can donate online to the National Alliance to End Homelessness. |
Children InternationalChildren International’s motto is “Real help. Real hope.� Since 1936, Children International has provided help to kids in extreme poverty. Children International is made up of community centers that offer health services, educational support like computers and libraries, counseling services, leadership and college preparation courses, material aid like clothing, and more. Each community center around the world is intended to provide a support system best suited to match the individual community’s needs. Children International currently has locations in 10 countries around the world. If you’re interested in helping Children International’s mission to provide real help and real hope to children in poverty, iGive is here to help you do so. With iGive charity shopping, you can easily donate online to Children International. |
Salvation ArmyDid you know that the Salvation Army was founded in 1865? For more than 150 years, the Salvation Army has been providing support in a variety of forms. With programs for children, rehabilitation centers for those in need, food distribution services, disaster relief, and beyond, the Salvation Army is committed to doing the most good for people all over the world. While the Salvation Army is a Christian organization, they help everyone regardless of religious background. There is a multitude of ways to support the Salvation Army’s mission, including red kettles accepting donations during the holidays to Salvation Army thrift shops. You can also donate online to the Salvation Army via iGive charity shopping. |
Purple Heart FoundationThe Purple Heart Foundation was founded in 1957 with the mission to provide assistance to veterans. The Foundation’s goals are far-reaching, as they address issues of veteran’s emotional, medical, and financial challenges. With The National Services Officers programs, the Purple Heart Foundation helps veterans find opportunities for education, disability compensation, employment training, health benefits, and more. There is also a legal aspect to the organization, as it includes legislative advocacy for veterans. Additionally, the Purple Heart Foundation performs research on medical issues that directly affect veterans, like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injuries (TBI). To support our nation’s veterans, you can support the Purple Heart Foundation. Donate online through iGive charity shopping today. |
Shopping Through iGive Allows You To Support Your Favorite Causes
Have you been wondering how to help the homeless, children, families in need, or veterans in your daily life? Because iGive allows you to add any charity to our network, you can always find a way to donate online to your charity of choice. Browse the charities above and explore our expansive database. Even if you can’t find your favorite charity, iGive will happily add them to our catalogue.
Whether you’re looking to donate to Goodwill, Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Purple Heart, Homes for Our Troops, The Boys and Girls Club, Catholic Charities, Oxfam America, UNICEF, a homeless shelter, or any other homelessness, family, children, or veteran-oriented charity, iGive is here to help you help others.