💰 July Bonus: Earn a $5 Bonus Donation for Wesley Chapel Sunrise - Rotary Club Id: 4278 💸

iGive App

Add iGive to Your Mobile Devices

The iGive app makes shopping, saving, and getting donations through iGive simple on all your mobile devices.

With iGive, your helping Wesley Chapel Sunrise - Rotary Club Id: 4278 with donations every time you shop. Those donations add up!

The app shows you increased donation rates, special deals, your favorite stores, your Stats and much more. You can shop at over 1766 stores to earn donations, use special coupons, and more.

The app gives you:

  • Never miss out on a donation when you shop from your mobile device
  • Easy access to your favorite stores
  • Search for stores & coupons
  • Get notifications of special hot deals
  • View your shopping history, donations, & payments
  • Tell your friends about iGive to help them raise money for their favorite cause
Scan to download!

Get the iGive app for Android or IOS now!