💰 January Bonus: Earn a $5 Bonus Donation for your cause when you make your first purchase. 💸

New Merchant Application

Please complete ALL FIELDS then submit. You will receive a confirmation email with next step details. The new store approval process averages two weeks.

(As you would like it to appear on the iGive & iConsumer sites.)

(in customer-facing language - 140 character max)

(Please provide commission rate and any exception information - 100 character max)
 Yes       No
 Yes       No

(1000 character max)

 BOTH iGive.com & iConsumer.com
 iGive.com ONLY
 iConsumer.com ONLY

 Splash Debut ($750)  
 Standard Listing ($100)  

 Company Check
 Network Payment

By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you are aware of and you agree to iGive.com's & iConsumer.com's program terms, including your store's participation in the iGive & iConsumer Buttons, our software reminder tools for our membership.