iGive.com Member Agreement
  1. iGive.com represents the individual user of the iGive.com service, not advertisers, sponsors, or causes. An individual who signs up with iGive.com becomes a member and enters willingly into this agreement. Members list causes for their own use, and for the use of other members.

    Monies are earned by members and are credited to members' accounts, and then disbursed from their accounts to their selected cause(s).  iGive.com is providing a service to its members, not to causes.  Any taxes on this are the responsibility of the member.
  2. The member understands that iGive.com uses its commercially reasonable best efforts to present various online merchants to the member, and enables the member to designate a commission specified on the iGive.com site on purchases from the iGive.com merchants  to the member's account, for later disbursement to the member's selected cause. ("iGive.com merchants" are defined as any merchant currently participating as a merchant in the Mall at www.iGive.com.)  An iGive.com member understands that to earn that rebate on purchases, the member must start their shopping at the Mall at www.iGive.com or through an iGive.com Newsletter.  The member also understands that iGive.com seeks to find paying advertisers who wish to reach the member for the purpose of showing the member ads or selling merchandise. The member agrees that the advertised proceeds resulting from their donation-generating activities will be delivered by iGive.com to the member's account, for later disbursement to a qualified organization designated by the member or the member themselves. iGive.com will never deduct commissions or fees from the advertised donation rates.

    Alternatively, advertisers may use iGive.com as an agent to forward donations to the member's selected cause.  iGive.com makes no representations as to its success or failure in these endeavors.
  3. iGive.com is commissioned by the member; the terms of the commission may change upon thirty days notice to the member.  This agreement lasts for 99 years, and is cancelable upon 30 days notice by either party.  You must remain a member (which includes providing us a valid e-mail address at which we're allowed to contact you) for at least 2 months after signing up for a sign up "bonus" (if any) to be paid to your selected cause.  See active member below.
  4. iGive.com will not disclose "personally identifiable" information regarding its members to any third party without the member's explicit permission, except as may be required by law or action of a court of competent jurisdiction.
  5. Notice to members may be made by posting information on the iGive.com Web site or via e-mail.  Members may give notice to iGive.com by e-mailing: info@iGive.com
  6. iGive.com reserves the right to refuse any membership, advertiser, advertisements, or recipient organizations.
  7. iGive.com or an advertiser may limit the number of ads a member may get credit for viewing during any given time period.  This limit may change without prior notice, and it will be posted in this paragraph.
  8. Member understands that the economic basis of iGive.com is delivering real transactions, and/or real persons viewing real ads to advertisers.  Any action by the member that undermines that basis may disqualify the member and his or her viewing activity.  All of a member's earnings or rebates may be disqualified, at the sole discretion of iGive.com, if the member attempts (1) to use iGive.com through any means other than through participating sign-up pages; (2) to disrupt iGive.com or circumvent the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (3) to use automated means to create entries/registrations; (4) register on behalf of another person; (5) provide false or unverifiable information to iGive.com; or (6) sign up multiple times.  And, if any of the above or other attempts to defraud advertisers or iGive.com occur, iGive.com reserves the right to remedy any such action, disruption or circumvention in a manner, determined solely by iGive.com, that is fair and equitable to other members, advertisers, and nonprofits. iGive.com may not give notice in such an instance.  All information posted and received is subject to final audit.
  9. Member may take advantage of the Mall at iGive.com (the Mall). Member understands that iGive.com will use its best efforts to collect a rebate from the Mall merchants, and remit any and all advertised proceeds resulting from the member's donation-generating activities to the member's account, for later disbursement to a selected cause or to the member. Payment to the selected cause or to the member is contingent on receipt of payment from the merchant.
  10. An iGive.com member must be at least 13 years old.
  11. Active Member.  Being an active iGive.com member is important, because that generates the revenues that allow us to funnel money to our members' favorite causes.  iGive.com defines an active member as a member who a) receives our weekly e-mail newsletters or visits the iGive.com site (Home page) at least twice a month (in two different weeks), and/or b) has made a purchase from an iGive.com merchant at least once in the last 60 days.  A member must remain active for at least 60 days after his or her initial registration for any initial donation or promotion to become effective.
  12. Tax Deductibility. iGive.com performs a service for its members, and is not qualified to offer tax advice on the deductibility of any donation made by the member.  This service allows the rebate provided by the merchant to the member to meet the structural qualifications of the IRS code, so that if donor and donee are qualified, the donation may be taken by the member. The rebate (of monies paid by the member to the merchant) provided by the merchant transfers to the control of the member, and the member voluntarily determines whether or not to donate that money, and whether or not to donate it to an organization to which donations are "deductible", as defined by the Internal Revenue Service under code 170. 

    Donations made by iGive.com or the member as a result of activities other than purchasing are not deductible.
  13. Registration Bonus.  Your registration bonus and other members' bonuses are prepayments of any money we might owe your cause from members' shopping and other activities.  Amounts you earn for your favorite cause from your shopping or other activity at iGive.com will first be used to pay us back for those prepayments, then sent to your cause.  You must remain both an active iGive.com member for at least 60 days after your initial registration in order for any initial donation or registration bonus to become effective.  See point 11 for the active member definition.
  14. Using iGive. Using iGive is defined as the member having our software download (the iGive Toolbar, Shopping Window, or iGive Button) installed on the computer(s) they use to purchase goods and services on the Internet and the software is successfully connecting with the iGive servers. Successfully connecting means that the software is receiving updates, and correctly responding to the member's internet surfing activity.
    Added 1/28/11

  15. This document was last edited on 1/28/11.